Lector Ministry
We proclaim God's Holy Word so that the Word challenges and captures the hearts of his people.
Although the word ‘lector’ literally means reader, lectors at Mass fulfill an essential function in the Liturgy of the Word. They are the voice of God as they proclaim his Word to the congregation.
Anyone can read Scripture in public; only a believer can proclaim them.
— The Rule of Saint Benedict
We assist the laity to better participate in the Liturgy through clear and well-articulated proclamation of the Word at Mass. We also provide, develop, and maintain a means for the interchange of liturgical information and knowledge among the members of the Lectors Ministry as well as other ministries in the parish.
Baptised and confirmed, practising Catholic.
Exemplary Christian conduct. Especially when off-duty, as befits a liturgical minister.
Age. 21 years and above. This ministry demands commitment and maturity in handling Scripture.
Discipline. When serving at Mass, comply with the rules regarding dress and punctuality.
Meetings. 2nd Sunday of each month.
Annual Retreat. During which members will renew their commitment to the ministry.
NB: A lector may serve in more than one liturgical ministry, but he/she may serve in only one ministry at any Mass.
Initiation Process
Audition. Trainers will pick out suitable candidates for the training programme. Lectors who have been away from ministry for more than six months will have to undergo refresher training.
Training Programme. 4-6 sessions.
12-month Probation. Upon completing the training programme, candidates will be asked to roster themselves to serve at Mass. During this period, they will be observed for their suitability and compatibility.
If you are interested in serving as a Lector, please email us.