Donations to the Church, the Poor & for Mass Intentions
We appreciate your continued financial support for the Church and for our friends-in-need in our neighbourhood.
You can continue to make donations in the followings ways:
1. Via cheques. These can be made out to: Church of St. Bernadette.
If you are sending your contribution by post, our address is: 12 Zion Road, Singapore 247731.
2. Via PayNow (electronic bank transfer).
Our Parish UEN is T08CC4027K.
Please verify that the name of the account is Church of St. Bernadette
At the Reference field, please state one of the following: Church donation / For the Poor / Mass Intention
If you like to request for a Mass Intention, you may wish to make a donation, usually S$10 per mass. Send an email to with a note stating that you are requesting for a Mass Intention. State the date of the mass, the name of the person you are making the intention for and the intention itself. Please ensure you write your name (the requestor) in the email as well. Finally, if you have made a donation, please attach a photo of the PayNow fund transfer, for our records.
Once again, we thank you for your generosity in supporting our Parish and the mission of Christ.