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Image by Joel Muniz

Bible Apostolate Team

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

2 Tm 3: 16-17


We seek to Inform and deepen one's knowledge of the Scriptures, help one Form intimate relationships with God, and Transform our hearts in the ways of discipleship.


Inform. Through the study of the Bible and faith formation, conducted by biblical scholars such as Mgr Ambrose Vaz, Fr Valerian Cheong, Fr Ferdinand Purnomo, Friar Mike de Cruz, Fr Aloysius Ong, and various lay leaders.


Form. Develop an intimate relationship with God through prayer and Bible study, on Wednesdays from 8-10pm. We also offer faith formation programs with outreach, faith sharing, and testimonies.


Transform. Transformation of the mind, heart and soul through God’s Word. This equips each of us to do God’s work and proclaim the Good News.

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